Sunday (10/18) Wilson Park, Wickford, RI. 10 AM
Okay - Wilson Park to Fox Island. I guess that's about 3 miles one way? You said it was a short trip. I was just trying to figure out about how short it was. I expect to see you there. (I'll post or contact Rich if I'm not going to be there so nobody will wait for me - not that I'm ever late-ish for a paddle  Rolleyes)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Sunday (10/18) Wilson Park, Wickford, RI. 10 AM - by Donna Abjornson - 10-16-2020, 10:04 PM
RE: Sunday (10/18) Wilson Park, Wickford, RI. 10 AM - by Carole - 10-17-2020, 02:38 PM

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