Trip Planning Workbook
Hi RICKA folks,

I'm a member of North Shore Paddlers' Network (Mass. North Shore) and Bay Area Sea Kayakers (in San Francisco). Together with a couple of other paddlers from NSPN and BASK, we have developed a Sea Kayak Trip Planning Workbook of exercises and materials. The idea is to offer a body of questions that require paddlers to learn and apply important skills, rather than follow a lecture or textbook like format.  We hope it will become a useful component in helping folks learn to plan successful and safe trips. Both BASK and NSPN are using these materials in various ways to support their clubs' trip planning education efforts. At NSPN, we built a 4-session Zoom course in Trip Planning around this workbook, but there are many other ways to use it including self-guided study.

There is no proprietary angle to this. We are making this workbook available for free globally, to paddling clubs who would like to use or adapt the material. I wanted to take the opportunity to post here and let folks know that it's available. If you would like to view or use the material, it is a Google Doc that can be accessed here:

There is also no "finished" state of this document. That is why we're sharing it in this format. We're constantly adding material to reflect feedback. And if folks want to adapt it to include more CT and RI locations, that would be great — have at it!
Thank you, Joe, for letting RICKA know about this, and thanks to you, Bob and Margot for developing the workbook.  It's very comprehensive and detailed.  Does ACA know about this?
No, we haven't talked to ACA about this yet.

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