Sunday 10/4, Stonington Pt. Reefs, RSVP
Hi Folks,

Stonington on Sunday 10/4,  to play on the Reefs - This is a level-4 RSVP trip.  

Decent ebb - max 2.5Kt at around 3:50pm. Light SE wind 5-10,  Should make for playful conditions.

launch from Stonington, Pt at 2:15 pm, proceed directly to Catumb Rock Reef at around 3:00 pm - play there and/or Sugar Reef for an hour or so - till folks are tired or bored - late lunch on Napatree beach 4:30-5:00 - paddle back to Stonington pt by 6:00 before sundown.

send questions/RSVP to



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Sunday 10/4, Stonington Pt. Reefs, RSVP - by Tim G - 10-03-2020, 09:41 AM

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