West Island Sat 7/8, 10 am Launch
Hi Tony - it is a neap tide this Saturday, so we should be okay parking near the boat ramp.  Last time, 8/13/22, was a spring tide just after the full moon,  which was a supermoon, thus the extreme tides we experienced.  I also set the launch time as 10 am rather than 9:30 am, to give the 1 pm high tide time to recede before we get back.

Hope to see you there!

Hi Ann - that's great, I'm glad you're able to join us.  See you Saturday.

Messages In This Thread
RE: West Island Sat 7/8, 10 am Launch - by Ann P - 07-05-2023, 11:44 PM
RE: West Island Sat 7/8, 10 am Launch - by Cat.Radcliffe - 07-06-2023, 12:15 AM

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