RICKA Sea Kayaking Forum
Sunday 01MAY 2022 Paddle out of Potter's Cove - Printable Version

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Sunday 01MAY 2022 Paddle out of Potter's Cove - Tony M. - 04-30-2022

LEVEL 3 Paddle launching from Potter's Cove, Jamestown, R.I. LAUNCH at 10:00AM. Potter's Cove is just east of the Newport Bridge toll booths, on Freebody Drive. Conditions look good so far...we may cross over to Newport and paddle through the harbor. The water is still cold, so dress appropriately with wetsuit / drysuit.


RE: Sunday 01MAY 2022 Paddle out of Potter's Cove - mbhazeltine - 04-30-2022

Sounds great - Just so people are clear - Tony and I are talking about the same trip

RE: Sunday 01MAY 2022 Paddle out of Potter's Cove - dtsinger4 - 04-30-2022

See you there!
