RICKA Sea Kayaking Forum

Full Version: Old creek runner kayak for sale...
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I have just moved and no longer have room for a creek runner kayak I got 2 years ago.  I'm wondering if anyone wants it.  I have it listed on the facebook marketplace for $100 but I'm open to counters.  I think its a piece of history and I really don't want it to end up in a dumpster.  Let me know if this is in the wrong place and I'll move the posting.


Danny Singer
Danny, I hope that you sell her. Looks like a fun boat. If you can’t sell the boat perhaps you could donate it?
I can't think of the name of the outfit but in Providence there's a sailing program for the community and they have
other boats there besides sailboats also RI NPR ( Publics Radio might take it as a tax write off ). Also you might want to post it on our the classified adds.